Phone: (+971) 43939535

#401 4th floor, Mai tower al Nahda 1, Dubai -UAE.

The importance of good communication with the customer 

Fast Track Insurance primarily markets and services Personal, Motor, and Medical Insurances. Its customers are mostly lower-income families or longtime resident senior citizens who demand value-priced insurance premiums in keeping with their lower and fixed incomes.

We have stressed to our insureds the importance of good communication with the customer to ensure proper coverage is in place. We have noticed as our clients become better informed about insurance that there has been a tremendous increase in clients wishing for in-depth discussions about their policy coverage and how they can get the most value for their insurance.

Our Strength

We are more automated than most service industries. We are close to the customer, regardless of some insurance companies attempts to sever the traditional broker-client relationship. Our clients, in most cases, still do not care or know which company we place them with. They trust our judgment in selecting the proper coverage and company to place them in.

Our Vision

company and is licensed to transact all types of  Insurance, largely Life, Motor and General Insurance. Our staff has specialists in commercial insurance that can properly service and underwrite local business.

The importance of good communication with the customer 

Our Strength

lies in the quality and depth of our products and staff. Our office, unlike our competition, is open six days a week, because of our 24/7 on-call staff, we are able to service our clients at any given time.

Fast Track Insurance is a privately incorporated company and is licensed to transact all types of Insurance, largely Life, Motor, and General Insurance. Our staff has specialists in commercial insurance that can properly service and underwrite local businesses.